St. Anne Catholic Elementary School

St. Anne Staff “Pied” for School Challenge

Students at St. Anne Catholic Elementary School were issued a challenge. The school takes part every year in the Jump Rope for Heart Event but Vice Principal Laura Stirrett felt that this year, they could do more. Stirrett set a few fundraising goals for the students and asked them to try to outdo what they had done in the past. If they met these challenges, then certain staff members would have to take part in some interesting challenges of their own.

The goals set for the students were as follows:
Bronze challenge – if the students raised $1000, then Vice Principal Laura Stirrett and Custodian Daniel Sauve would have their hair spraypainted different colours for the day.
Silver challenge – if the students raised $1500, Vice Principal Laura Stirrett and Custodian Daniel Sauve would have pies thrown in their face as well as have their hair spraypainted.
Gold challenge – if the students raised $2000, then the the Vice Principal and Custodian would have their hair spraypainted, pies thrown in their face… and would be subjected to a silly string attack.
Platinum challenge – after these challenges went out, Vice Principal Laura Stirrett threw down the final gauntlet and said that if these challenges were not only met but surpassed and the school raised $3500, then the students could subject not only herself and the custodian, but St. Anne Principal Guy Mathieu as well!

Well, the students surpassed all fundraising challenges and managed to raise an amazing $6300 in just one week. To the delight of students and staff, top fundraising students took the opportunity to spraypaint hair, throw pies and spray silly string at the Principal, Vice Principal and Custodian without consequences. In the gym the students screamed with excitement as the three staff members could do nothing but sit and take the abuse. Congratulations to all of the students and staff at St. Anne for taking on such a great challenge with fantastic school spirit!

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