St. Anne Catholic Elementary School

St. Anne/Q92/TD Bank Toy Caravan a Huge Success!

On November 23, 2012, members of the St. Anne Catholic Elementary School community in Hanmer demonstrated their generosity when Terri and Mel broadcast their morning show live on location for the Q92/TD Toy Caravan. The school was bustling with Christmas spirit as students, staff, and parents brought in numerous toys and monetary donations.

This is the second year that St. Anne Catholic School brings the Q92/TD Toy Caravan to the folks in the Valley and Capreol. “It is fun! We are not only helping ourselves become better people, but we are also helping others who are less fortunate have a merry Christmas,” said Brayden Kraemer, a student at the school. Student also enjoyed listening to their very own teachers, Jen Bruneau and Dante Merigioli, participate in “Battle of the Sexes.” Mr. Merigioli secured the win for the boys. Students were excited about this victory, which meant no homework for two days.

Everyone gathered in the library to enjoy baked goods and orange juice generously donated by Perkins Restaurant and Bakery, as well as coffee and treats from Tim Hortons.

“This month, we are celebrating the Catholic virtue of Justice, and when we look at this through the lens of social justice, this Toy Drive is a prime example of what our students are able to do to help others in need,” said Guy Mathieu, principal.

St. Anne Angels Learn about “Being Brave”

Remembrance Day takes on a special meaning in the Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) French Immersion class at St. Anne Catholic Elementary School in Hanmer. Student Cameron O’Daiskey holds her great-grandfather’s medal. “He got them by being brave in WWII,” said Cameron O’Daiskey.
The class read various books about poppies and veterans. Their favourite book was Proud as a Peacock by Jane Barclay. They also used the iPADs in the classroom in order to research the medals and their meaning. This inquiry led the class to wonder how they could earn medals and make “the world a better place.”

NET Some Faith for St. Anne Angels

On November 5, 2012, Grade 8 students at St. Anne Catholic Elementary School in Hanmer participated in a NET retreat (National Evangelization Team). NET members, comprised of a group of young people who challenge young Catholics to embrace Christ, shared Jesus’ gospel message in a dynamic format. They brought their message to life through songs, skits, small group discussions, and prayer. “It was a lot of fun. I liked talking in groups and getting to know my classmates on a deeper level,” said Crystal Therrien, a student who attended the retreat.

Students embraced the day by taking part in all activities. Some were compelled to read the Bible while others opted to pray the rosary. This quiet time allowed students to reflect in prayer and even brought some to tears. “It gave me time to speak to God about some of the choices I have made. I also prayed for world peace,” said Jacob Lesenke, a student at the school. To end the day, students quietly entered the church and prayed silently with their team leader. Lunch was provided courtesy of The Caruso Club.

Giving Comes Naturally to St. Anne Angels

Students in grade 6, 7, and 8, celebrating the virtue of Justice, had the opportunity to give to students in under-developed countries. St. Anne Catholic School in Hanmer worked with Our Lady of Peace Parish in Capreol to fill numerous shoeboxes that will be sent away through Operation Christmas Child.

Students watched videos to understand how Operation Christmas Child works and to see young children who received these gifts in previous years. The students were excited to fill their boxes and ultimately make a difference in the life of a child they do not know. “It was an honour to help out children who are not as fortunate as we are. Our small donations can brighten a child’s Christmas,” said Jamie Poulin-Fortier.

“Our students were so excited to fill these shoeboxes. They were happy to know that they were able to give to others across the globe,” said Jody O’Daiskey, a teacher at the school.

St. Anne Catholic School participates in a number of different charity events throughout the year. At the end of November, the school will host the Q92/TD Bank Toy Drive. Students will also take part in the “Socks, Mitts, and Hats for the Homeless” campaign in conjunction with St. Kevin’s Parish in Val Therese and the annual St. Anne Christmas Food Drive with St. Jacques Parish in Hanmer.

It is clear that St. Anne Angels have a huge heart for others in need. Every year, charity fundraisers are more successful than the last. Students have every reason to be proud of their accomplishments!

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