There will be an information/registration night TODAY – Tuesday, February 5, 2013 for all parents interested in registering their child(ren) at one of the Sudbury Catholic elementary schools for FULL DAY Kindergarten beginning September, 2013.
The information/registration night will start at 6:00 p.m. For more information about this event, please contact your local Catholic elementary school. For contact information about each school, go to, or contact the board office at (705)673-5620.
The Nativity Story Comes to Life at St. Anne Catholic School
On Wednesday, December 19th, the St. Anne Catholic Elementary School community came together to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Students from the Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) to Grade 8 participated in the celebration of Jesus’ birthday through prayer and dramatization. Students from teacher Jody O’Daiskey’s combined 7/8 class used their voices to tell the story while students from teacher Alice Desormeaux’s FDK class provided the dramatization. “I think the FDK students did a terrific job playing out the scenes and they deserve a big thank you,” said Isaac Oliveira, a Grade 8 student at the school.
The FDK students were very pleased with their accomplishments and were happy to display the biggest gift at Christmas: Jesus. “I felt like I was floating up in the sky. I think everybody did well in the play, especially all of my friends,” said FDK student Cameron, the star of Bethlehem. “I felt good about being Joseph. I was glad to play the part, and I wasn’t nervous,” said Anthony Bertrand, a student in FDK.
The St. Anne Catholic School junior choir, let by Ms. Bruneau and Ms. Nickelchuk filled the gymnasium with their gift of music, as did Madame Hayes’ FDK class who sang Happy Birthday Jesus. The true meaning of Christmas came to life for all the students and staff at the school.
Santa Has Breakfast with St. Anne School Families
Recently, students and families at St. Anne Catholic School in Hanmer were greeted with sleigh bells as Santa joined them for breakfast in their gymnasium. The gymnasium was bustling with Christmas cheer as families enjoyed a delicious pancake breakfast provided by Perkins Restaurant and Bakery. “The food that was provided by Perkins Restaurant was fabulous. The pancakes and ham were just like a home cooked meal. Perkins surely outdid themselves when preparing the meal for the day,” said Tammie Meeks, a parent at St. Anne Catholic School.
Families also enjoyed Christmas music provided by James Morgan and his band, which added a great deal of festive spirit to the morning. “I thought it was really great to listen to my friend’s dad play in our gym. They were a really good band, and the people really enjoyed it,” said Darian Troscinski, a grade 7 student at the school.
Theme baskets were created by staff and students and several prizes were donated by Perkins Restaurant and Bakery. Families were excited to view these amazing prizes, and expressed their enthusiasm about the event.