St. Anne Catholic Elementary School

Hopping into Full Day Kindergarten at St. Anne Catholic School

When the Full Day Kindergarten students from St. Anne Catholic Elementary School returned after the Christmas Break, their teacher Lois Lambert asked, “What type of center should we have in our class?” The FDK students replied, “A Vet Centre”. While the students were engaged in discussion at the Veterinarian Centre, they were talking about adult animals and baby animals. A question was raised from the students, “If an animal has a baby, does it look like its mommy or daddy?” The class looked at the life cycles of various animals. However, they were most interested in the life cycle of a rabbit. The FDK students took this inquiry to life by bringing in a pregnant rabbit. Everyone waited patiently for the pregnancy, which lasted 31 days. Then on February 11, 2013 the bunnies arrived! The students welcomed 4 baby bunnies (a litter of bunnies is called a kit) and now help take care of them. “I love to read stories to the bunnies,” said Kenadie Dixon, a year 2 FDK student. This experience has been an on-going learning adventure. All of the babies that have grown in the classroom will be joining their new families just in time for Easter.

St. Anne Authors Share their Amazing Stories

Grade 3 and 4 students showcased their writing and story telling skills during March at St. Anne Catholic Elementary School. Each child wrote, illustrated and published a book and then read it to younger students. The “authors” were excited to share their hard work and the audience was thrilled to listen to the stories and see that even kids can be authors.

“They loved us!” commented Hayden Rainville, after he presented his book to a grade 1 French Immersion class. “They couldn’t stop laughing.” Students enjoyed their time in the limelight so much that they’re anxious to write and tell other stories. Move over Robert Muncsh. There is steep competition at St. Anne Catholic School!

Music Alive at St. Anne Catholic Elementary School

Recently, students at St. Anne Catholic Elementary School in Hanmer had the opportunity to learn from, and experience the music of, local country star Larry Berrio. Mr. Berrio was invited to the school by grade 8 student Christine Chartrand, who is interested in pursuing a career in country music. She contacted Mr. Berrio through his Facebook page and asked him if you could come and speak to the students at St. Anne Catholic School in hopes of meeting Mr. Berrio personally. Larry Berrio was more than a little accommodating. He was completely open to speaking to approximately 150 students in grades 7 and 8, and quickly responded and set up a time to visit the Valley East school.

Students listened attentively to the dynamic musician as he spoke to them about the music industry. His message was clear that regardless of musical talents, everyone has the ability to become a part of the industry if they have the interest. “This presentation from Larry Berrio was an important life lesson. His message was clear that any student can be whom they choose with determination and hard work,” said Jody O’Daiskey, a teacher at St. Anne Catholic School.

Mr. Berrio explained that there are sponsors and grants available for musicians, especially those who are new to the industry. This has given Christine Chartrand even more wind under her wings. She is excited to continue her pursuit and keep her dreams alive of becoming a well known musician.

Franco-Fun Music at St. Anne Catholic School

On March 20, 2013, students at St. Anne Catholic Elementary School participated in Franco Fun Day. On this day, the students were able to recognize and celebrate French-Canadian culture in a fun and educational way. The school joined together by wearing green and white, the colour of the French-Ontarian flag. The students had an entertaining French concert put on for them by Roland Bibeau. The concert was full of fast-paced, youth-friendly French music. The students had a wonderful time dancing and singing along with all of the catchy songs. The classes also participated in many French games and puzzles and made their very own flags to celebrate Franco Fun Day. Afterwards, there were bracelets and buttons passed around to all of the students to remember the great time they had. Students said the day was “fun and entertaining” and they “had a very good time!”

Goats Galore at St. Anne Catholic Elementary School

The Full Day Kindergarten classes at St. Anne Catholic Elementary School in Hanmer got a great surprise on a regular Wednesday afternoon. Cameron O’Daiskey, FDK French Immersion student, brought her new goats to her class for her inquiry . Her fellow students were thrilled to touch and asked many questions about her new friends. How big will they get? Why is one brown and one black if they are siblings? What wonderful inquiry questions! The Kindergarten staff at St. Anne Catholic School strives to provide real world experiences to their early learners. By providing the students with these opportunities to learn, the students tap into their higher order thinking skills all while exploring the world around them.

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