St. Anne Catholic Elementary School

Professional Speaker at BAC for All Parents

On Thursday May 9, 2013 beginning at 6:30pm in the school gym at Bishop Alexander Carter Catholic Secondary School parents from St. Charles Elementary School, St. Anne Elementary School and Bishop Alexander Carter are invited to attend an evening with Dr. C. Sturdy.

Dr. Sturdy is a professional speaker based in Toronto who is also an author, father, teacher, former school principal and active community member. On this evening he will be discussing two topics, “Bullying…How to Help Your Kids!” and “Hurried Adult/Hurried Adolescent”.

The presentation will last approximately 1hour 15 minutes with a Question/Answer period.

Additionally, he will be selling his CDs for $10.00 and the book, “The Hurried Life: 101 Ways To Slow It Down” for $20.00. If you will be attending you are asked to please RSVP the school.

On a final note there will be door prizes donated by Perkins Restaurant. We hope to see you there!

Sudbury Catholic Students Participate in Metis Heritage Days

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board recently held Metis Heritage Days at Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School. Nine elementary schools participated in the cultural presentations. The facilitator, Scott Carpenter, a Community Development Officer with the Metis Nation of Ontario, led the hands-on presentations.
Highlights for many student and staff participants included Carpenter’s beautiful display of Metis artifacts. The Metis people are one of the three recognized aboriginal peoples in Canada. They trace their descent to mixed First Nations and European heritage. Almost 400,000 people self-identify as Metis in Canada. Joel Agowissa, the Aboriginal Youth Worker for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board said, “The students were engaged, interested and had a many questions for Mr. Carpenter. It was an honour to have Mr. Carpenter who is a member of the Metis nation speak to our young students and help us build inclusive learning environments for our students.”

Learning First Aid at St. Anne

The grade 7 and 8 students at St. Anne Catholic Elementary School kicked off their Monday, May 6th, with a unique activity. As part of their unit on personal safety, the students took part in a First Aid workshop with Michelle Goheen, a client services co-ordinator with the St. John Ambulance organization. The students went through what is in a First Aid kit, the practical applications for use in case of an emergency, and as well how to use the equipment appropriately. St. Anne teacher Julie Cassie was one of the teachers who was present for the demonstration, and was excited for her students to be a part of this hands on learning opportunity. “When we think of First Aid and St. John’s Ambulance, most people immediately think of C.P.R. training, but in most non-crisis emergencies, a working knowledge of a First Aid kit is very important. It is a great opportunity for our students to learn how to take charge in an emergency situation and be able to help out an injured person(s). “

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