St. Anne Catholic Elementary School

SCDSB Learn@Home Site for Parents and Students

Please view the following link which contains resources designed to help support and to compliment what teachers have planned as we move to a distance learning approach.

SCDSB Learn@Home Site

The Shows Must Go On – Free Streaming of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Musicals on YouTube

During this pandemic, and to help encourage people to stay home, Andrew Lloyd Webber has opened up the streaming of his many musicals, one at a time for 48 hour period each, on YouTube. Search “The Shows Must Go On” and enjoy the wonderful shows. The first is Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, a story based on Genesis Chapter 29.

St. Anne to Continue Modified Breakfast/Snack Program for Families In Need

Throughout the school year, St. Anne, in partnership with Better Beginnings Better Futures, has provided breakfast baskets and snacks for children in need. We wish to continue to provide for those families and ask that any families in need please send an email to The names will remain anonymous and the administration will reach out. You are not alone during this difficult time.

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