St. Anne Catholic Elementary School

The Nativity Story Comes to Life at St. Anne Catholic School

On Wednesday, December 19th, the St. Anne Catholic Elementary School community came together to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Students from the Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) to Grade 8 participated in the celebration of Jesus’ birthday through prayer and dramatization. Students from teacher Jody O’Daiskey’s combined 7/8 class used their voices to tell the story while students from teacher Alice Desormeaux’s FDK class provided the dramatization. “I think the FDK students did a terrific job playing out the scenes and they deserve a big thank you,” said Isaac Oliveira, a Grade 8 student at the school.
The FDK students were very pleased with their accomplishments and were happy to display the biggest gift at Christmas: Jesus. “I felt like I was floating up in the sky. I think everybody did well in the play, especially all of my friends,” said FDK student Cameron, the star of Bethlehem. “I felt good about being Joseph. I was glad to play the part, and I wasn’t nervous,” said Anthony Bertrand, a student in FDK.
The St. Anne Catholic School junior choir, let by Ms. Bruneau and Ms. Nickelchuk filled the gymnasium with their gift of music, as did Madame Hayes’ FDK class who sang Happy Birthday Jesus. The true meaning of Christmas came to life for all the students and staff at the school.

Santa Has Breakfast with St. Anne School Families

Recently, students and families at St. Anne Catholic School in Hanmer were greeted with sleigh bells as Santa joined them for breakfast in their gymnasium. The gymnasium was bustling with Christmas cheer as families enjoyed a delicious pancake breakfast provided by Perkins Restaurant and Bakery. “The food that was provided by Perkins Restaurant was fabulous. The pancakes and ham were just like a home cooked meal. Perkins surely outdid themselves when preparing the meal for the day,” said Tammie Meeks, a parent at St. Anne Catholic School.
Families also enjoyed Christmas music provided by James Morgan and his band, which added a great deal of festive spirit to the morning. “I thought it was really great to listen to my friend’s dad play in our gym. They were a really good band, and the people really enjoyed it,” said Darian Troscinski, a grade 7 student at the school.
Theme baskets were created by staff and students and several prizes were donated by Perkins Restaurant and Bakery. Families were excited to view these amazing prizes, and expressed their enthusiasm about the event.

St. Anne Angelic Voices Reach Out

The St. Anne Catholic School Junior Choir had an opportunity to experience firsthand the true meaning of Christmas. On Wednesday, December 12th, 2012, the choir performed a selection of Christmas carols for the residents of the Elizabeth Centre in Val Caron. Choir member Bailey Gervais said, “I was happy to help out, and it was a lot of fun too!”
Afterward the children were able to distribute candy canes and warm wishes to all in attendance. The smiles throughout the room spoke volumes. Choir member Zoe Duhaime said, “I liked bringing joy to people who don’t have a chance to go out too much at Christmas.”
The choir members demonstrated the Catholic virtue of patience that is currently being celebrated at the school.

St. Anne/Q92/TD Bank Toy Caravan a Huge Success!

On November 23, 2012, members of the St. Anne Catholic Elementary School community in Hanmer demonstrated their generosity when Terri and Mel broadcast their morning show live on location for the Q92/TD Toy Caravan. The school was bustling with Christmas spirit as students, staff, and parents brought in numerous toys and monetary donations.

This is the second year that St. Anne Catholic School brings the Q92/TD Toy Caravan to the folks in the Valley and Capreol. “It is fun! We are not only helping ourselves become better people, but we are also helping others who are less fortunate have a merry Christmas,” said Brayden Kraemer, a student at the school. Student also enjoyed listening to their very own teachers, Jen Bruneau and Dante Merigioli, participate in “Battle of the Sexes.” Mr. Merigioli secured the win for the boys. Students were excited about this victory, which meant no homework for two days.

Everyone gathered in the library to enjoy baked goods and orange juice generously donated by Perkins Restaurant and Bakery, as well as coffee and treats from Tim Hortons.

“This month, we are celebrating the Catholic virtue of Justice, and when we look at this through the lens of social justice, this Toy Drive is a prime example of what our students are able to do to help others in need,” said Guy Mathieu, principal.

St. Anne Angels Learn about “Being Brave”

Remembrance Day takes on a special meaning in the Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) French Immersion class at St. Anne Catholic Elementary School in Hanmer. Student Cameron O’Daiskey holds her great-grandfather’s medal. “He got them by being brave in WWII,” said Cameron O’Daiskey.
The class read various books about poppies and veterans. Their favourite book was Proud as a Peacock by Jane Barclay. They also used the iPADs in the classroom in order to research the medals and their meaning. This inquiry led the class to wonder how they could earn medals and make “the world a better place.”

NET Some Faith for St. Anne Angels

On November 5, 2012, Grade 8 students at St. Anne Catholic Elementary School in Hanmer participated in a NET retreat (National Evangelization Team). NET members, comprised of a group of young people who challenge young Catholics to embrace Christ, shared Jesus’ gospel message in a dynamic format. They brought their message to life through songs, skits, small group discussions, and prayer. “It was a lot of fun. I liked talking in groups and getting to know my classmates on a deeper level,” said Crystal Therrien, a student who attended the retreat.

Students embraced the day by taking part in all activities. Some were compelled to read the Bible while others opted to pray the rosary. This quiet time allowed students to reflect in prayer and even brought some to tears. “It gave me time to speak to God about some of the choices I have made. I also prayed for world peace,” said Jacob Lesenke, a student at the school. To end the day, students quietly entered the church and prayed silently with their team leader. Lunch was provided courtesy of The Caruso Club.

Giving Comes Naturally to St. Anne Angels

Students in grade 6, 7, and 8, celebrating the virtue of Justice, had the opportunity to give to students in under-developed countries. St. Anne Catholic School in Hanmer worked with Our Lady of Peace Parish in Capreol to fill numerous shoeboxes that will be sent away through Operation Christmas Child.

Students watched videos to understand how Operation Christmas Child works and to see young children who received these gifts in previous years. The students were excited to fill their boxes and ultimately make a difference in the life of a child they do not know. “It was an honour to help out children who are not as fortunate as we are. Our small donations can brighten a child’s Christmas,” said Jamie Poulin-Fortier.

“Our students were so excited to fill these shoeboxes. They were happy to know that they were able to give to others across the globe,” said Jody O’Daiskey, a teacher at the school.

St. Anne Catholic School participates in a number of different charity events throughout the year. At the end of November, the school will host the Q92/TD Bank Toy Drive. Students will also take part in the “Socks, Mitts, and Hats for the Homeless” campaign in conjunction with St. Kevin’s Parish in Val Therese and the annual St. Anne Christmas Food Drive with St. Jacques Parish in Hanmer.

It is clear that St. Anne Angels have a huge heart for others in need. Every year, charity fundraisers are more successful than the last. Students have every reason to be proud of their accomplishments!

Pumpkin Palooza at St. Anne Catholic Elementary School

Dozens of pumpkins have made their way to the St. Anne Catholic Elementary School’s French Immersion Full Day Kindergarten class! Children were so thrilled to learn about pumpkins that waves of the orange gourd made their way to the classroom to help students inquire into things such as how pumpkins grow and how they smell. Students discovered that the seeds inside the pumpkin can be used to plant and make new pumpkins grow. The students were sent to actively search for a place in the schoolyard where they could plant their seeds in the spring. Katelin Brouse was overheard saying, ”The best part of pumpkins is taking the stuff out of them.” Cameron O’Daiskey thought that, “Eating the seeds is pretty great!” The next part of the inquiry is a video a student found on YouTube about using pumpkins as a boat. Theories on floating techniques are sure to follow!

Poets Invade St. Anne Catholic Elementary School

Poetry has given over sixty students at St. Anne Catholic Elementary School in Hanmer a voice. Students from two Intermediate classes participated in a Poetry Café as a culminating task to their Literacy program. Poems focused on a variety of topics offering different points of view. The students’ messages, filled with wisdom far beyond their years, dealt with difficult topics such as bullying, The Children’s Aid Society, and the horse racing industry.
“This experience really made me realize how creative and different each and everyone of us is, and how if we put our minds to it, we can share who we truly are,” said Brayden Kramer, a Grade 8 student at St. Anne Catholic Elementary School.
These young poets actively listened to others while sipping on hot chocolate at the “Café.” They snapped their fingers in applause and hollered with approval to encourage fellow classmates. The Intermediate students truly demonstrated their inclusive nature as they encouraged those who were nervous to participate and congratulated everyone for a job well done.
“The quality of the work students produced blew me away,” said Julie Caissie, teacher at St. Anne Catholic Elementary School.
“This Poetry Café not only showcased the amazing students we have at St. Anne Catholic School, but also displayed their unique talents and gifts,” said Jody. O’Daiskey, a teacher at the school.

Inquiry-Based Learning Thrives at St. Anne Catholic School

Over the past few weeks, students in the Full Day Kindergarten program at St. Anne Catholic School in Hanmer have inquired about turkeys and Thanksgiving. On October 5th, their inquiry came to life when the English and French Immersion classes went on an inquiry-based excursion to J & J Ranch in Hanmer. The students enjoyed a hayride and experienced the petting zoo with chickens, turkeys, alpacas, and horses. The experience with the animals was the most memorable moment for all. “I liked all of the animals because it was fun to see inside their cages,” said Celyna Anzil. “It was fun seeing the chickens and the turkeys because I held one,” said another FDK student. The students were actively engaged in arts and crafts. They turned apples into turkeys using sucker plumes, which were generously provided by J & J Ranch. A great time was had by all!

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