St. Anne Catholic Elementary School

St. Anne Students Participate in Water Walk

Students stand along the water

St. Anne Students travelled to the traditional lands of Wahnapitea First Nation to participate in a Water Walk with the support from Ms. Carissa, the school’s Indigenous Support worker. They read the story “The Water Walker” and received personalized letters from local author Joanne Robertson. Students sang, feasted, laughed, celebrated, and learned about the importance and sacredness of water . They then gathered to give thanks and offer semma (sacred tobacco) to the waters of Lake Wahnapitea.

Chi-miigwetch to Caroline Recollet and Tammy Cheverette from the community who shared traditional knowledge with us, Jamie Macdonald, Anishinabek Student Support Counsellor, and other members from the community that helped make this learning opportunity available to our students.

2021-22 Director’s Annual Report

We are very pleased to present the Director of Education’s Annual Report for the 2021-2022 school year

We thank our Board of Trustees, Senior Administration, staff, students, families, volunteers, community partners, and our parishes for their continued support and commitment to Sudbury Catholic. Together we are providing a caring, progressive, high quality Catholic school system that is nurturing our students – mind, body, and spirit.

Sudbury Catholic Schools Give Back to the Junction Creek Stewardship Committee

Staff and students at the Sudbury Catholic District School Board raised $1,923.10 to support the Junction Creek Stewardship Committee. Leaves of Change: Binaakwe Giizis is a fundraiser which took place on October 14, 2022, to promote environmental stewardship.

The goal of the fundraiser is to engage in civic and environmental responsibility by bringing attention to climate change and better understand how we can protect the earth for future generations. Throughout the day and the month of October, students and staff are encouraged to make more sustainable efforts. This includes cleaning green spaces by picking up trash and litter, recycling, using a reusable water bottle and reducing day to day waste, where possible. 

In addition, October is known as Binaakwe Giizis – Moon of Falling Leaves. The fundraiser also served as an educational opportunity to understand, acknowledge, and respect Indigenous perspectives on caring for Mother Earth (Shkagamik Kwe). 

“As a school board, it is our responsibility to create opportunities that teach the importance of protecting the earth for future generations.Environmental degradation affects the health and well-being of all peoples of North America and the world in many ways. By participating in this fundraiser, and the many planned activities, we help our community engage in volunteerism and create hope through environmental restoration,” said Joanne Bénard, Director of Education for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board. 

Fall Fundraiser for Junction Creek Stewardship Committee!

On Friday, October 14th, 2022, the Sudbury Catholic District School Board is inviting students and staff from all sites to increase their civic responsibility by participating in a fall fundraiser that gives back to the local green space! 

SCDSB Leaves of Change will recognize climate change during the changing season, as well as provide a teaching opportunity for Indigenous Education and caring for Shkagamik Kwe (mother earth). On this day, students/staff are encouraged to wear fall colours (red, yellow, orange, green, purple, and/or brown) and donate a toonie, where possible, to support the continued efforts of the Junction Creek Stewardship Community in Sudbury. The Junction Creek Stewardship Committee is an integral part of the Greater Sudbury community, working to improve the health of the unique urban waterway that connects us all and to promote the livability and value of our natural environment. 

The goal of the fundraiser is to help our community engage in civic and environmental responsibility by bringing attention to climate change and how we can protect the earth for future generations. Throughout the day and the month of October, students and staff are encouraged to make more sustainable efforts. This includes cleaning green spaces by picking up trash and litter, recycling, using a water bottle, etc.  

October is also where we honour Binaakwe Giizis – Moon of Falling Leaves. As this event is taking place during Binaakwe Giizis – it also serves as an educational opportunity to understand, acknowledge and respect Indigenous perspectives on caring for Mother Earth (Shkagamik Kwe). 

Why Are We Doing This?

As a school board, it is our responsibility to create opportunities to teach the importance of protecting the earth for future generations. Environmental degradation affects the health and well-being of all peoples of North America and the world in many ways. For instance, industrial contamination and disruption of wildlife habitats combine to reduce the supply and purity of clean drinking water, traditional foods, and medicines. In addition, environmental degradation erodes the quality of life dependent on the purity of the land, water, flora and fauna. Further, this disruption greatly affects Indigenous peoples culture, languages, spiritual health, and well-being along with the life of all living things. By participating in this fundraiser, we help our community engage in volunteerism and create hope through environmental restoration.


Infographic – 8 Ways to Be More Green at School

Infographic – 8 Ways to Be More Green at Work

Sudbury Catholic Schools Students represent at Sudbury Regional Science Fair

Sudbury Catholic Schools students were very successful at this past weekend’s Sudbury Regional Science Fair.

Please see the list below

SRSF Regular (Divisional) Awards

Junior Division – Engineering (Génie junior) Divisional
Placing and Prize: First/Première Medal, Cash, Certificate
No More Dehydration, Use the Solar Desalination
Kaylee Kruk
Marymount Academy

Junior Division – Life Sciences (Sciences de la vie junior) Divisional
Placing and Prize: Third/Troisième Place Medal & Certificate
Where have all the bugs gone?
Margaret Leigh
Marymount Academy

SRSF Special Awards

Bill and Olga Roman Award Special
Sponsor: The Roman Family
Pedal Power
Jordin Rancourt
Marymount Academy

Biotechnology Award Special
Sponsor: Sudbury Regional Science Fair Committee
Ryanna Proulx
Marymount Academy

Laurentian University Biology Award Special
Sponsor: Laurentian University Biology Department
Where have all the bugs gone?
Margaret Leigh
Marymount Academy

Laurentian University Neuroscience Award Special
Sponsor: Laurentian University Behavioural Neuroscience
Paw Patrol/Patrouilles des Pattes
Avery Morin
Brooke Palladino
Marymount Academy

Laurentian Architecture Laurentienne (LAL) Award Special
Sponsor: Laurentian University School of Architecture
Companion Tray
Kaleb Witty
Nicholas Moyle
St. Anne Elementary School

Laurentian University School of the Environment Award Special
No More Dehydration, Use the Solar Desalination
Kaylee Kruk
Marymount Academy

Grand Prizes

Canada Wide Science Fair Participant (Participant(e) à l’expo-sciences pan-canadienne) Grand

Prize Type: Trip to Canada Wide Science Fair in Montreal, May 15th to 20th.

No More Dehydration, Use the Solar Desalination
Kaylee Kruk
Marymount Academy

Congratulations to all!

St. Anne Students Are Stewards of the Earth

Students in Mlle. Prosser and Mme. Barriault’s (ECE) FDK FI outdoor discovery class at St. Anne Catholic Elementary School braved the cold winds and went outside and picked up the garbage around the school yard. The students were concerned about the environment, and wanted to make their school yard look nice and clean!

Wild at Heart Animal Refuge Inspires Students to Make a Difference

Students in Cheryl MacRury’s Early Learning class and Kathy Belanger’s Grade 7 class at St. Anne Catholic Elementary School have been inspired. For the past year, these two classes have worked together to support the Wild at Heart Animal Refuge. What started out at as a proposal from the two teachers, resulted in a successful grant application from the Canadian Federation of Teachers to support the students learning about, and helping animals in the wild.
The students decided to call themselves the ABC’S – All Because of Caring Students, and decided that this project was about making a difference in the world, despite being a small group of young students. The project involved contacting and visiting community businesses to begin a fundraiser for the animal refuge. Knowing that ever cent makes a difference, they began a penny drive to help out the animals. Throughout the year, the classes had contact with Wild at Heart Animal Refuge veterinarian Dr. Jouppi and learned about what the centre does to support, protect and care for wild animals.
On June 20th, 2012, the students got on a bus, and visited each of the community business that helped them collect for one last collection, and the last stop on the road trip was at the Wild at Heart Animal Refuge where they got to see the facility and meet with Dr. Jouppi. Dr. Jouppi explained to the students that the centre should be ready within a year to be an educational facility – set up to educate groups about the animals – with an average of about 700 animals visiting the site each year, usually with 150 at the centre at any given time. Dr. Jouppi thanked the students for their donations and support and encouraged them to continue in their efforts to support the care of wild animals. “Living in Northern Ontario, it is our duty to treat animals with respect and to learn to live in harmony along side the animals as they were here first.” Jouppi said. The veterinarian also encouraged the students to tell others about the centre as they are in constant need for volunteers, not only to support the animals, but to help with the construction of the renovations to expand the centre, as well as with fundraising and education.
Both teachers have thoroughly enjoyed working on this year-long project with their students as it has positively affected the classes in numerous ways. “Not only did our students learn about protecting our environment and all the creatures that God has given us,” MacRury stated. “They have learned numeracy from counting the money, they have learned to be stewards of the earth, they have learned communication skills, technology skills in creating multi-media projects, and they have learned empathy in being more aware of what is happening in the world around them.” Kathy Belanger echoed MacRury’s comments and added that they two different classes working together has been a great experience for all the students as well. “Have students in different grades partner up and work together has given them both a different perspective and allowed for a really enriching mentoring opportunity. The younger students really look up to the older students and have been encouraged to be role-models. All of our students rose to the occasion and the whole experience was outstanding. I think this project will impact them for the rest of their lives as it was more than just a fundraiser, it allowed them to have more of a global perspective as it reinforced the importance of thinking of others before themselves.”
At the end of the penny drive, the students had raised over $200 for the centre as well as donated a newly built crate for the animals, a basket of fruit and other food items for the animals.

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