St. Anne Catholic Elementary School

Attend Our Virtual Event and Learn How to Support (K-6) Numeracy at Home!

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board Parent Involvement Committee is excited to announce the next session for our Virtual Engagement Series for Parents & Educators. Please see the attached poster to learn more about our upcoming sessions. 

Upcoming Session: Focus On Numeracy (Kindergarten to Grade 6)

Join us next week on Wednesday, April 13th, from 6-7 pm on Zoom for our next session, “Focus on Numeracy!” During this session, Dr. David Costello will explain how you can support numeracy at home and help your children recognize and understand the role of mathematics in the world around them.

Dr. Costello is a professional learning facilitator who focuses on mathematics instruction and learning. Working in various roles centred on numeracy education, he has the expertise, charisma, and advice you can count on to support numeracy learning in your household! Attend his session and discover new tips, tricks, and strategies to help students dynamically learn and build their critical thinking skills. Sign up and see how problem-solving can be as easy as 1, 2, and 3! Registration is required to attend this event. Register now to reserve your spot and receive the zoom link! 

Learn About Secondary Programming & Get Prepared For The Future With Xello!

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board Parent Involvement Committee is excited to announce the next session for our Virtual Engagement Series for Parents & Educators. Please see the attached poster to learn more about our upcoming sessions. 

Next Session: Steps to Success: Exploring Secondary Programs and Pathways

Join us Wednesday, March 30th from 6-7 pm on Zoom to learn about secondary programming and the many options that are offered. SCDSB will take you on a virtual journey examining De-Streaming, fantastic opportunities in secondary education, and how to get future-ready with XELLO. XELLO is an engaging university/ college and career readiness software that unlocks every student’s potential by opening their eyes to endless possibilities.

Registration is required to attend this event. Sign up now and get ready to learn, and make a difference for yourself and others. At the end of the session, students, parents, and educators will confidently walk away with the knowledge and ability to navigate secondary and post-secondary opportunities better than ever before!

Event Poster

Learn About Cyber Safety At SCDSB’s Parent & Educator Virtual Series!

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board Parent Involvement Committee is excited to announce the return of our Virtual Engagement Series for Parents & Educators. Please see the attached poster to learn more about our upcoming sessions. 

Next Session: Cyber Safety

Join us Wednesday, March 23rd at 6-7 pm on Zoom for our first session, “Cyber Safety,” led by one of the industry’s foremost experts, Danny Pehar. 

As the architect for the Cybercrime Equation, Danny works closely with the Toronto Police Cyber task force and the FBI cyber task force to help control cybersecurity. His extensive cybersecurity knowledge, combined with his extensive background as a best-selling author, comedian, and motivational speaker will garner an experience you do not want to miss. Registration is required to attend this event. Sign up now and get ready to laugh, learn, and make a difference for yourself and others. By attending this session, you will learn how to safely protect yourself, your colleagues and your family from digital threats.

Event Poster

Join Us! SCDSB Hosts Virtual Career Fair for Teacher Candidates

Sudbury Catholic District School Board is pleased to announce we’re hosting an online virtual career fair on Feb. 17th, 2022 to help interested teacher candidates learn more about Sudbury Catholic Schools and gain insight into areas such as:

  • The Application Process
  • Resumes
  • Interview Preparation
  • How to Apply on

Join Sudbury Catholic Schools at our February Virtual Career Fair for Teacher Candidates!

Event Details

Date: Feb. 17th, 2022

Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Location: Zoom

More Info

Virtual Career Fair – Info Sheet

Join Us For Our Webinar – Coping With Stress!

STRESS! We all experience it. 

That’s why Sudbury Catholic Schools is pleased to invite you to register for our upcoming wellness webinar in January. At this webinar, two outstanding guest presenters will tackle this topic and provide coping strategies for dealing with stress. 


More Information: 

Alina Rukkila MSW, RSW and Jessie Jones CYW will lead us through an engaging session on dealing with the different types of stress and provide helpful strategies and tips we can incorporate to help us manage it when it happens. 

We all know that not all types of stress are bad. Good types of stress can help you focus, ensure you meet your daily challenges, and encourage you to reach specific goals you have for yourself. However, it’s essential to understand the difference between good and harmful types of stress. Over time, a continued strain on the body put on from stress can get the best of you. It’s paramount to identify the causes of daily stress and manage the intensity of these feelings. By knowing healthy coping strategies, we can enjoy life and learn happily.  

PA Day On Oct. 25th

Monday, October 25th PA Day

We are pleased to announce that the SCDSB’s Monday, October 25th PA day will focus on mental health and wellness. 

As we continue in this time of Covid-19, all staff will report to their home school for a combination of small gatherings where public health guidelines will be followed and zoom for portions of our day.  See the pdf below for more details. 

Schedule of our Day 

8:30 – 9:30Prayer and Reflection
9:30 – 9:45Break
9:45 – 10:45Keynote Presentation: Boosting your Positive Outlook (Zoom)
10:45 – 11:00Break
10:45 – 11:00School Improvement Planning (Principal led) 
12:00 – 1:00Lunch
1:00 – 3:00Supporting Minds:  An Educators Guide to Promoting Students Mental Health and Well Being (Principal led) 

Monday, October 25th PA Day

The Spirit of Christmas Alive at St. Anne

By 6:30 a.m. on December 2, St. Anne Catholic Elementary was a-buzz with excitement. The arrival of Q92’s Terry and Mel and the TD Toy Caravan had staff and students prepping the school’s foyer and library with decorations, breakfast items, and most importantly, Christmas cheer.
Guy Mathieu, Principal of St. Anne said the school was approached to be a possible location for the Q92 Toy Caravan live on location spot and without hesitation, accepted immediately. “We started sending out flyers to the community and encouraging as many people as possible to come out and donate this morning,” Mathieu stated. “This event is one that really encourages people to dig deep inside themselves and truly give from the heart. So many of the children in the Greater Sudbury community are in need of our support – we are just glad to be a part of something that helps us see what’s right with the world.”
From 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. both Terry and Mel encouraged listeners to come in and donate either a new toy or a monetary donation and people came out in droves. Students, both present and past, as well as parents, grandparents, friends and community members came through the school’s main doors and brought with them hundreds of toys as well as over $600 in money donations. Mathieu was overwhelmed by the support. “What has happened here this morning has really set the stage for us all to get in to the holiday spirit. That’s what I love about this community – everybody comes together and shows us that the true spirit of Christmas is alive and well at St. Anne’s – I couldn’t be more proud. Kids helping kids. Children giving to other children. I don’t know that I can think of anything that is more powerful than that.”
As well as getting to meet Terry and Mel – the students and staff got to see how the show worked and teacher Alice Desormeaux and custodian Dan Sauve even got to take part in the “Battle of the Sexes” of which Sauve came out as champion. By 9:15, the foyer was stuffed with hundreds of toys and the students were amazed at the piles of donations in front of them. Some teachers even walked their classes down to see just how generous the community and their school had been. “I am just so proud of our school-students, staff and parents alike,” Mathieu stated. “The Christmas spirit is alive and well at St. Anne!”

St. Anne Junior-Intermediate Students Practice “Test Driving” For The Future

Recently, Mr. Thomson’s Grade 6/7 class from St. Anne Catholic School in Hanmer participated in a culminating Science activity where they put together their knowledge of energy, motion, force and structures to build Spool Racers. The Sudbury Catholic School Racers were put through a thorough testing phase that included speed racing, distance endurance and design analysis. These budding Junior/Intermediate Scientists did a great job in designing some very unique racers while at the same time developing scientific skills of perseverance and creativity. Who knows? One day these young creators may be the next inventors for such events as the Molson Indy, the Indy 500, and the Grand Prix. We will wait to see. Well done Angels!

St. Anne Kindergarten Student Authors Her Way Into Prize Winning Story

How young can you be to write your own story? Just ask St. Anne School student Ashlyn Carrierre. She is the newest recipient of the Ontario Catholic Elementary Teacher’s Young Author Award for 2011. Ashlyn is a student within the English Senior Kindergarten class at the Sudbury Catholic School in Hanmer. In January of this year, she wrote her own fairy tale entitled, “Princess Shalla and Prince Aucoinia Get Kidnapped.” Her story was then submitted to the Young Author’s contest in the fiction category for the Junior and Senior Kindergarten division. In April, the school received notification that Ashlyn’s story had won!

“I am so excited,” said Ashlyn. “I am so happy that I got a plaque. It feels really good to be an author.” In an awards ceremony that took place on June 17th, Ashlyn was presented with a plaque for her wall. The plaque shows not only Ashlyn’s name, but also the title of her fairy tale. The Ontario English Catholic Teacher’s Sudbury Unit President, Mr. Kent MacNeill, presented the award to Ashlyn in front on the entire school body as well as her family who were also attending. Her classroom teacher, Cheryl MacRury, told the assembled group that Ashlyn had a wonderful imagination for a little girl of her age and that she was very deserving of this award. Ashlyn knew that fairy tales started with “Once upon a time” and that they ended with everyone “living happily ever after”. She had picked her own characters and setting. She had come up with a problem for the characters and then the solution. And finally, all on her own, Ashlyn had used words like ferocious, sparkly, huge and dungeon, as well as names like Queen Shata, Princess Shalla, and Prince Aucoinia.

Ashlyn may or may not be Ontario’s newest author, but there is a good chance that she may be Ontario’s youngest author. Both staff and students from St. Anne School hope to one day be able to walk into Chapters and read books that Ashlyn has authored. She is certainly a little girl with a wonderful ability to write entertaining stories. Good luck with your talent in the future Ashlyn! St. Anne School is very proud of you!

“Heart Heroes” Make A Difference At St. Anne Catholic Elementary School

Primary and Junior students at St. Anne School in Hanmer questioned teacher, Mrs. Desmarais. “What is a Heart Hero?” Mrs. Desmarais’ response was that a Heart Hero was anyone that wanted to help keep all kid’s hearts strong and healthy. She outlined to students how they could work together to make a difference not only to their own health, but to the future of healthy hearts everywhere. Those words were all that the Catholic Board students needed to hear. In association with the Heart and Stroke Foundation, the elementary students participated in the “Jump Rope for Heart” fundraiser.

The students prepared for the event by raising pledges. Next, they began a campaign of improving their skipping skills and stamina during gym classes and recesses. A skipping “phenomena” took over the school. The school administration and teachers helped with the excitement by offering incentives for students with the most pledges. Goals of $1000.00 to $5000.00 or more would result in students being able to throw pies at staff members in front of the entire student body. Mr. Guy Mathieu, the school principal, stated, “The amount of enthusiasm that has been generated with this fundraiser is incredible! I am always amazed at the school spirit demonstrated by the students, not only with their efforts in bringing in pledges, but also at their enthusiasm within the gym at the actual pie throwing contest.” All money amounts raised are put to good use by the Heart and Stroke Foundation. A pledge of as little as $5.00 can be used to purchase test tubes for lifesaving research, while funds of up to $150.00 can be used to buy a blood pressure monitor to keep patients healthy.

The fundraising activity was a huge success! More than $5000.00 was raised. A school assembly will be held in June where staff members will keep their promises to the St. Anne “Heart Heroes.” Even though the Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser is over, school skipping ropes are still in demand by students in all grade levels. The Sudbury Catholic Board students have learned, “They can make a difference in the lives of others!” Way to go Angels!

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