It All Adds Up To The 100th Day Of School At St. Anne
The students of St. Anne School in Hanmer have been celebrating their 100th day of school in a number of different ways. Teachers within both the Primary and Junior sections decided to have their students rotate from classroom to classroom to allow the children to participate in all kinds of activities that added up to 100. The primary wing had games such as stringing 100 fruit loops, sticking 100 stickers to a crown, racing to pick up 100 pennies, and repeating ten exercises ten times. The junior wing recognized all numbers to 100 as they played Bingo, rolled dice and counted on a 100 chart, played an auction game on the Smartboard with money up to $100.00, and tried to create 100 movements to different styles of music. Both the students and their teachers within the Sudbury Catholic System agreed that there are more than 100 reasons why the number 100 can be pretty exciting!